Angle & Ratio 2.0.1
This is a useful tool that you can measure theangle or ratio using a picture.You can create segments by moving the marks freely, so you can getthe angle of arms or legs, or inclination of body.These segments are used to measure of ratio.【Usage】①Prepare a pictureIf you select a picture from gallery, you can adjust the size andposition of the picture. Or when you take a picture, you will shootthe target in center of the view.②Measure of the anglePlease move the marks at the position which you want to measure(the marks ①,②,③,④ are in order from the top).The angle between two segments(①-② and ③-④) is displayed on the topof the screen.③Measure of the ratioPlease move the marks at the position which you want to measure(the marks ①,②,③,④ are in order from the top).The ratio of ①-② to ②-③ and ③-④ is displayed under the angle (①-②is always 100).【Checking of operations model】- SAMSUNG SC-06D(Galaxy SⅢ)- SAMSUNG EK-GC100 (GALAXY Camera)- SONY Tablet S- SONY XPERIA Tablet Z- SONY XPERIA Z1- ASUS Nexus 7- ASUS Nexus 7 (2013 model)- Nikon COOLPIX S800c- TOSHIBA REGZA Tablet AT570
UprightPostureCHECKER plus 3.0.7
 Would you like to check your posture ? Set the marks at the positions which are ears, shoulders, hips,knees and ankles, and tap the "OK" . You can get the angles asshown below.- total angle : the tilt angle of body from the vertical line- ear : the tilt angle of ear from the horizontal line- shoulder : the tilt angle of shoulder from the horizontalline- hip : the tilt angle of hip from the horizontal line- right-knee : the angle that right side hip-knee-ankle make- left-knee : the angle that left side hip-knee-ankle make This application has the camera with a sprit level. Therefore youcan get a straight photograph ! Of course you can save a result as a JPEG format.
立ち姿CHECKER 2.1.1
正面または背面から撮影した写真を使って、立ち姿を確認するアプリです。Android2.3.3以上を対象にしていますが、一部未対応の機種もございます。【使い方】アルバムから写真を選ぶ、またはカメラで写真を撮ると、画面に赤いマークが10点表示されます。このマークを次の位置にセットしてください。耳、肩、腰、膝が水平で、身体の軸が垂直の状態が良い姿勢と言われています。 ・耳(または目) ・肩 ・腰(骨盤の一番高いところ) ・膝 ・足首すべてのマークをセットした後に[決定]ボタンをタップすると、「姿勢度」と「身体の傾き角度」が表示されます。【ポイント】できるだけ正確に姿勢を測るために、写真を撮るときは姿勢を調べたい人から2m以上離れて、相手のお腹の高さにレンズがくるようにカメラを構えてください。このときにカメラが左右に傾いたり、前後に傾いたりしないように注意して、真横から撮影してください。アルバムから選んだ写真または撮影した写真は、画面を指でスライドすることで回転することができます。使用する写真の地面が傾いている場合は、傾きを修整してからマークをセットしてください。【注意】なお、このアプリは疾病や疾患を診断するものではありません。また、このアプリを商用目的で使用することはできません。It is an application touse the photos taken from the front or rear, to confirm the dancingposture. It is intended for more than Android2.3.3, some models notsupported, too.[How to use]If you take a picture with the camera, or choose a photo from youralbum, red mark is displayed on the screen 10 points. Please be setto the following positions: this mark. Ear, shoulder, hip, knee ishorizontal, axis of the body is said upright position and goodposture.· (Or eye) ear, Shoulder· (The highest place of the pelvis) waistKnee-AnkleWhen you tap the [Enter] button after setting the mark of all,"angle of inclination of the body" and "attitude degree" isdisplayed.[Point]In order to measure the position as accurately as possible, pleasepoised the camera away 2m or more from those who want to examinethe attitude and the lens so that the height of the stomach of theother party when you take a picture. Be careful camera or tilted tothe left and right at this time, in order to avoid tilting back andforth, please shoot from the side.Photos taken photo or chose from the album, you can rotate it bysliding your finger on the screen. If the ground of the photo youwant to use is inclined, please set the mark after you gets theslope.[Note]In addition, this app is not intended to diagnose disease orillness. Also, you can not be used for commercial purposes thisapp.
座り姿CHECKER 1.1.1
真横から撮った写真を使って、椅子に座った姿勢を確認するアプリです。Android2.3.3以上を対象にしていますが、一部未対応の機種もございます。【使い方】アルバムから写真を選ぶ、またはカメラで写真を撮ると、画面に7つの赤いマークが表示されます。このマークを次の位置にセットしてください。耳、肩、腰の3点が直線上に並んだ状態、および腰と膝、足首を結んだ角度が90度の状態が良い姿勢と言われています。 ・額 ・あご ・耳(耳珠点) ・肩(肩峰点) ・腰(大転子) ・膝(膝蓋骨後ろ) ・足首(くるぶしの少し前)すべてのマークをセットした後に[決定]ボタンをタップすると、「姿勢度」と「顔(額とあごを結ぶ線)」、「首(耳と肩を結ぶ線)」が垂直線からどれだけ傾いているかを表示します。【ポイント】できるだけ正確に姿勢を測るために、写真を撮るときは姿勢を調べたい人から2m以上離れて、相手のお腹の高さにレンズがくるようにカメラを構えてください。このときにカメラが左右に傾いたり、前後に傾いたりしないように注意して、真横から撮影してください。アルバムから選んだ写真または撮影した写真は、画面を指でなぞることで回転することができます。使用する写真の地面が傾いている場合は、傾きを修整してからマークをセットしてください。【注意】なお、このアプリは疾病や疾患を診断するものではありません。また、このアプリを商用目的で使用することはできません。It is an application touse the photos taken from the side, to confirm the sitting positionin a chair. It is intended for more than Android2.3.3, some modelsnot supported, too.[How to use]If you take a picture with the camera, or choose a photo from youralbum, red mark of seven will appear on the screen. Please be setto the following positions: this mark. It is said that three stateear, shoulder, waist lined up on a straight line, and the state of90 degrees with good posture knee and hip, the angle that tied theankle.A sumChin-Ear (tragus point), A shoulder (acromion points)Waist (greater trochanter)The knee (patella back)· (Shortly before ankle) AnkleWhen you tap the [Enter] button after setting the mark of all,"(the line connecting the chin and forehead) face" and "attitudedegree", "(the line connecting the shoulder and ear) neck" istilted much from the vertical line Show me whether the.[Point]In order to measure the position as accurately as possible, pleasepoised the camera away 2m or more from those who want to examinethe attitude and the lens so that the height of the stomach of theother party when you take a picture. Be careful camera or tilted tothe left and right at this time, in order to avoid tilting back andforth, please shoot from the side.Photos taken photo or chose from the album, can be rotated bytracing your finger on the screen. If the ground of the photo youwant to use is inclined, please set the mark after you gets theslope.[Note]In addition, this app is not intended to diagnose disease orillness. Also, you can not be used for commercial purposes thisapp.
TiltlessCAMERA 4.1.1
"TiltlessCamera" is used in order to take a straight photograph.
バランスCHECKER 1.1
STL Binary Viewer 3.2
"STL Binary Viewer" is a 3D model data fileviewer.Using this app, you can see together two data (for example, skinand bone) from any direction.Available formats are STL-binary format.【Usage】- If you want to see together two data.First, tap the "Outside" button and select the data which isoutside (for example, skin).And then tap the "Inside/Single" button and select the inside data(for example, bone).- If you want to see only one data.Tap the "Inside/Single" button to select the data.- In any case, you can expand the data by pinch-in/out androtate the data by sliding your finger.【Checking of operations model】- SAMSUNG SC-06D(Galaxy S3)- SAMSUNG EK-GC100 (Galaxy CAMERA)- SONY Tablet S- SONY Xperia Tablet Z- SONY Xperia Z1- ASUS Nexus 7- ASUS Nexus 7 (2013)- TOSHIBA REGZA Tablet AT570
SuperimposeCamera 3.4
 Using "SuperimposeCamera", you cansuperimpose live view from the camera onto a still photo. Aftersuperimpose, you can save it. If you want to superimpose two photos, you can select the photofrom "gallery" instead of using the camera.【How to use】[photo1]- Select a picture from "gallery".- You can swipe to move, pinch-zoom, rotation(unit of 90 degrees toa clockwise) and reflection (horizontal)[camera]- Live camera view is displayed over the picture.- Using slider, you can change alpha-blending.- Take a picture.[adjust]- Expansion / Reduction, Translation, Rotation (adjustsarbitrarily)- Change color-mode, you can work easily.[compare]- Select the display-type(superimpose, vertical-wipe,horizontal-wipe).- If you want to save a picture which is displayed on screen, tapthe "save" button.【Checking of operations model】- SAMSUNG SC-06D- SAMSUNG EK-GC100 (GALAXY Camera)- SONY Tablet S- SONY XPERIA Tablet Z- SONY XPERIA Z1- ASUS Nexus 7- ASUS Nexus 7 (2013 model)- TOSHIBA REGZA Tablet AT570
GuideCamera 3.0.4
I want to take pictures like he had taken, butsomething is different... Have you ever thought that ?If you think so, then please use "GuideCamera" ! Using "GuideCamera", you can take photos similar to the examples.【Usage】First, select a example from gallery and then start camera.Live-camera view is displayed over the example. While looking atthe example, adjust camera angle, subjects position, etc. Thenpress the camera button. You can take a picture similar to theexample.(You need to prepare the examples and copy them to your device'sPicture folder.)【Feature】- You can transform the example. (pinch-zoom, rotate, move)- Using slider, you can change alpha-blending.- Using self-timer, it is possible to reduce camera shake.
Pose Checker 2.0
Would you like to compare two photographs? Use "PoseChecker" !
MammaBalance 2.0.5
"MammaBalance" measures a balance of asubject's breast. It can provide the items indicated in thefollowing.  Angle : the angle between each nipple and the line which is goingthrough ① and ④  CommonArea : the common area of two triangles  Area : the area of triangles which are made by ①②'④' and①③④'  Ratio : the percentage of the common area in each areas   ① : a center of clavicle   ② : left side nipple   ②' : reflection point of ②   ③ : right side nipple   ④ : a pit of stomach   ④' : a foot of a perpendicular from ②' (or ③) to the line goingthrough ① and ④【Usage】Step1. Prepare a photograph of the subject's upper-body.Step2. Align the subject's center to the screen center line.Step3. Set the red marks to the center of the clavicle, the pit ofstomach, and the both sides of nipple.Step4. Tap the Calc. button, and then the results aredisplayed.【Topic】- The area of the left side of the screen displays it on the rightside of the screen by reflecting.- You can save the result as a JPEG format.- "MammaBalance" has the camera with a sprit level. Therefore youcan get a straight photograph.【Caution】"MammaBalance" is not the one to diagnose any illness.【Checking of operations model】- ASUS Nexus 7- ASUS Nexus 7 2013- SAMSUNG SC-06D- SAMSUNG EK-GC100- SONY Tablet S- SONY Xperia Z- TOSHIBA REGZA Tablet
SittingPosture CHECKER plus 4.0.1
"SittingPosture CHEKCER plus" provides the leaning degree of thebody.
3D Scan Viewer 4.1.4
"3D Scan Viewer" is a 3D model data file viewer.
3D SuperimposeCamera 5.0.2
Using this app, you can get the AR easily enough without using themarker.
3D Superimpose 4.2.4
Using this app, you can get the AR easily enough without using themarker.
Eyelid 4.0.2
"Eyelid" provides the opened eye ratio.
目ヂカラCHECKER 2.1.1
【使い方】1.真正面から撮った顔写真を用意してください。アルバムから選んだ写真、カメラで撮影した写真のどちらでも同じように利用できます。2.調べたい方の目を囲むと、その領域が拡大表示されます。3.黒目の縁を4点指定してください。4.瞳中央に表示される緑色の線を上まぶたの下縁の位置に移動すると、「目ヂカラ」が表示されます。【ポイント】写真を撮るときは、次の点に注意してください。・前髪で目が隠れないようにしましょう。・カメラが傾かないように注意して、レンズと目の高さが等しくなる位置で撮影しましょう。・レンズを見上げたり、見下ろしたりしないようにしましょう。【注意】なお、このアプリは疾病や疾患を診断するものではありません。また、このアプリを商用目的で使用することはできません。[How to use]1. Please prepare a facial photograph taken from directly infront.Photos chosen from the album, either of photos taken withthecamera will be available in the same way.2. If you enclose the eyes of those who want to examine, the areaisenlarged.3. Please specify four points the edges of the black eye.4. If you move to the position of the lower edge of the uppereyelida green line that is displayed in the pupil center, "eyeDjikara" isdisplayed.[Point]When you take a picture, please be aware of thefollowingpoints.· Try to eye is not hidden by bangs.- Camera with care so as not to tilt, lens and eye height Let'sshotwith equal position.Lens you can look up, and let's not or looking down.CautionIn addition, this app is not intended to diagnose a diseaseordisorder. In addition, it will not be able to use this appforcommercial purposes.
Posture CHECKER plus 5.1.1
"Posture CHEKCER plus" provides the leaning degree of the body.